Numeracy links

Numeracy Proficiency Skills

Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council 2012, WELL skills check, DEEWR, Canberra

Manufacturing Skills Australia 2012, Putting the jigsaw together numeracy indicator tool for the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade, MSA, Sydney

Oggi Consulting 2013, Numeracy in Practice Numeracy Proficiency Assessment Tool, DIICCSRTE, Canberra

Precision Consultancy 2013, ACSF assessment tasks, DIICCSRTE, Canberra

Numeracy Training Skills and Knowledge

Innovation and Business Skills Australia 2010, User guide for TAE70110 and TAE80110, IBSA, Melbourne

Research Papers

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008, Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey: summary results, 4228.0, ABS, Canberra

Australian Industry Group 2008, Skilling the existing workforce: final project report, Ai Group, Sydney

Berghella, T & Molenaar, J 2013, Seeking the N in LLN, NCVER, Adelaide

Berghella, T & Molenaar, J 2013, Seeking the N in LLN support document, NCVER, Adelaide

Berghella, T, Molenaar, J, et al. 2006, The professional development requirements of Workplace English Language and Literacy Programme practitioners,NCVER, Adelaide

Bynner, J & Parsons, S 1997, Does numeracy matter?: evidence from the National Child Development Study on the impact of poor numeracy on adult life, Basic Skills Agency, London

Cara, O & de Coulon, A 2009, Skills for Life teachers’ qualifications and their learners’ progress in adult numeracy, NRDC, London

Circelli, M, Gillis, S, et al. 2013, Does 1 = 1? Mapping measures of adult literacy and numeracy, NCVER, Adelaide

Coben, D 2003,  Adult numeracy: review of research and related literature, NRDC, London

Council of Australian Governments 2008, National Numeracy Review report, COAG, Canberra

Council of Australian Governments Standing Council on Tertiary Education Skills and Employment 2012, National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, SCOTESE, Brisbane

DIICCSRTE 2012, Australian Core Skills Framework: 5 Core Skills, 5 Levels of Performance, 3 Domains of Communication, DICCSRTE, Canberra

DIICCSRTE and DEEWR 2013, Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework, DIICCSRTE and DEEWR, Canberra

DIISR 2011, Australia’s standards and conformance infrastructure: an essential foundation, DIISR, Canberra

Dingwall, J 2000, ‘Improving numeracy in Canada’, viewed 14 January 2012, <>

FitzSimons, G E, Mlcek, S, Hull, O & Wright, C 2005, Learning numeracy on the job: a case study of chemical handling and spraying, NCVER, Adelaide

Gal, I, van Groenestijn, M, et al. 2003, Adult numeracy and its assessment in the ALL survey: a conceptual framework and pilot results, Statistics Canada, Ottawa

Gleeson, L 2005, Economic returns to education and training for adults with low numeracy skills, NCVER, Adelaide

Hoyles, C, Wolf, A, Molyneux-Hodgson, S & Kent, P 2002, Mathematical skills in the workplace: final report to the Science, Technology and Mathematics Council, Institute of Education University of London & The Science, Technology and Mathematics Council, London

Industry Skills Councils 2011, ‘No more excuses: an industry response to the language, literacy and numeracy challenge‘, viewed 12 December 2012, <>

Innovation  and Business Skills Australia 2013, Foundation Skills Training Package Implementation Guide, DIISRTE, Canberra

Innovation and Business Skills Australia 2010, User guide for TAE70110 and TAE80110, IBSA, Melbourne

Innovation and Business Skills Australia 2009, Targeted feedback on draft 2 of Vocational Graduate Certificate in literacy and numeracy practice and Vocational Graduate Diploma in literacy and numeracy leadership, IBSA, Melbourne

Marr, B & Hagston, J 2007, Thinking beyond numbers: learning numeracy for the future workplace, NCVER, Adelaide

Marr, B, Helme, S, et al. 2003, Rethinking assessment: strategies for holistic adult numeracy assessment. A resource book for practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and teachers, Language Australia, Melbourne

McHugh, M 2008, ‘Adult literacy in Australia: results from the 2006 Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey.’ Literacy Link 28(1)

National Quality Council 2009, VET Products for the 21st century. Final report of the Joint Steering Committee of the NQC and the COAG Skills and Workforce Development Subgroup, TVET Australia, Melbourne

NCETM 2008, Mathematics Matters: Final Report, The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, London

Oggi Consulting 2013, Numeracy in focus, DIICCSRTE, Canberra

Oggi Consulting 2013, Numeracy in practice, DIICCSRTE, Canberra

Parsons, S & Bynner, J 2005, Does numeracy matter more?, NRDC, London

Tobias, S 1993, Overcoming Math Anxiety, W W Norton, New York

Tout, D 2008, Response to COAG National Numeracy Review. Submission No. NNR 42, Centre for Adult Education (CAE), Melbourne

Tout, D & Schmitt, M J 2003, ‘The inclusion of numeracy in adult basic education’in  Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy: volume 3, eds J. Comings, B. Garner & C. Smith, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, pp. 152-202

Townsend, R & Waterhouse, P 2008, Whose responsibility?: employers’ views on developing their workers’ literacy, numeracy and employability skills, NCVER, Adelaide

VETASSESS 2006, TAALLN401A Address language, literacy and numeracy issues within learning and assessment practice: learner guide, VETASSESS, Melbourne